Oxygen Therapy to Quit Smoking Leave a comment

Are you ready to quit smoking? Research continues to show that smoking causes many health problems for both the smoker and those around them. However, quitting is not as easy as it sounds. If you have ever tried quitting cold turkey, then you know that quitting smoking is no walk in the park. You need motivation, will power, and resilience to weather the ups and downs of quitting smoking. Fortunately, there are products and therapies that can help you throughout the process. These make your journey to non-smoking much easier. One of the most exciting new tools to help you quit smoking is oxygen therapy.

Oxygen therapy is a natural, healthy way to quit smoking that does not rely on nicotine to get you through your cravings. There is no medication to take and no patches to apply. You do not even need to chew gum! Oxygen therapy uses harmless cigarettes to help you quit.

Harmless cigarettes are exactly what they say they are: harmless. No smoke is inhaled and no nicotine is ingested. When you inhale on a harmless cigarette, only oxygen is delivered to your lungs, so there is no worry that you may find yourself addicted to another substance. These lightweight “cigarettes” are the same size and shape of cigarettes and do not look like popular e-cigarettes. They do not need to be charged and no odor or smoke is emitted. 

You may have found that you just miss the motion of smoking. This is common among smokers and is called the “hand to mouth” addiction. Instead of turning to a cigarette, e-cigarette or food, you can instead use a harmless cigarette. Oxygen therapy is based on the idea that you need a safe, easily accessible alternative when a serious craving hits. This is key to success if you want to quit smoking. By giving you a familiar object to hold and inhale, you can get through difficult moments and remain on the path to quitting. 

Oxygen therapy has been able to help millions of smokers quit within 4-6 weeks of starting therapy. You can purchase harmless cigarettes individually or in a kit. Most harmless cigarettes last about 1-2 weeks if regularly used. So, depending on how often you need to use the product, you may need to order more. Remember to follow all the instructions provided and stay patient. You can quit smoking!

Oxygen therapy is a newer tool to help you quit smoking. However, it has already been proven to be effective. The lightweight, discrete harmless cigarette is perfect to carry anywhere. Since there is no smoke or odor involved, you can use oxygen therapy anywhere. Oxygen therapy is an ideal part of any plan to quit smoking. It can be used in conjunction with traditional methods like patches and gum, but many people have found success using harmless cigarettes alone. Quitting smoking is very difficult, so using all the tools you can to help you will greatly increase your chance of success. As long as you stay committed and motivated, you will eventually see a decrease in your cravings and successfully live your life smoke-free. 

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