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Quit Vaping and Smoking to Lessen the Effects of the Corona Virus

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The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has people in uproar globally, and in the U.S. Recently the U.S. Government urged individuals who smoke or vape to quit as it may help prevent the severe effects of the disease according to new studies.

According to the studies, people should be aware that if they have SUDs (Substance uses Disorders), they are more likely to get the coronavirus severe compared to people who do not use substances.

The same applies to persons with OUD (Opioid use Disorder) and meth disorders. The motivation behind this is that COVID-19 attacks the lungs.

Therefore if you do vape, use drugs or smoke, the likeliness is that if you do come in contact with a person with the virus, the effects of the illness is more severe.

COVID-19 affects the pulmonary (a type of high blood pressure affecting the arteries in the lungs) and respiratory health.

For this reason, substance users need to quit using tobacco, e-cigarettes, and marijuana.

Acute Respiratory Failure in Substance Users

Smoking is linked with the rise of ARD (Acute Respiratory Failure) in persons with the likelihood of getting severe non-pulmonary sepsis (blood), blunt trauma, and lung disease.

The general public who have a metabolic amount of nicotine (cotinine) existing in the body, even at small levels coupled to 2nd hand smoke, the risk of ARD (Acute Respiratory Failure: Recommendation paper1,paper2, and paper3) is higher.

Furthermore, a recent summary done on the high blood pressure effects on arteries and lungs from using the e-cigarette implicates more than a few ways that vaping deteriorates the lungs ability to combat infection seen here:

Cogency’s of Smoking and Vaping

Giving current readings of tests done on 30 non-smokers exposed to vaping aerosol, the scientists found that there was a reduction in their coughing (Character reference: 82.)

Furthermore, the hominoid ciliary dysfunction became affected adversely, as per cellular tests of animals (Character reference: 83.)

With the association of the damaged Mucociliary Clearance (MMC) with the decline in coughing, it could have an impact on people using the vape to get lung contagion

Moreover, the contact to the aerosol in vape possibly will soothe the severe capabilities of the immune system. During the test, the studies took a nasal scrape biopsy from smokers, vapers, and non-smokers.

The scientists did this to demonstrate the widespread immunosuppression found at diverse genetic factor levels using the e-cig (Character reference: 84.) During the trials, healthy non-smokers were subjected to the aerosol of the vape.

Investigators acquired bronchoalveolar lavage for the tests of the alveolar macrophages (Character reference: 46.) Researchers then procured more than sixty genetic factors and uttered it to e-cig users “alveolar macrophages” 2-hours after taking 20-puffs.

The academics included the DNAs connected in the contamination using NETosis (Neutrophil Extracellular Trap.) The procedure encompasses “neutrophils lyse DNA” released into an extracellular location to end bacteria.

The practice can also injure the lungs (Character reference: 85.) Researchers found that the neutrophils (white blood cells) from the persistent use of vaping have a mammoth disposition for NET growth than persons who are non-smokers or smokers (Character reference: 57.)

Consequently, using the e-cig could harm white blood cell phagocytosis (Character reference: 86.) The facts mention that white blood cell persistence may become reduced in individuals that use the vape.

Added Status

Taking the revision of passing brought about by the coronavirus in China, it proves that more males are expected to get the ailment or die than the woman. As a result, the resemblance may be that more fellows in China smoke than the woman.

Therefore, patients evaluated with the COVID-19 coupled to lung disease, there is a probability that the illness considering deaths is fourteen times more advanced than in non-smokers.

These tests and proofs are hard truths for persons to stop smoking and vaping. Thus, these fears should be an oppressive measure of the preventive measures of COVID-19.

A further thought-provoking thing to confirm that vaping, drug use, and smoking are a threat for the COVID-19 is to check out this article posted by Dr. Nora Volkow, a report on “Covid-19: Potential Implication for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders”.

Other motivational reads are from Scientific Americans post on how SUDs could increase the danger of the coronavirus.

A Word from Quit Products

While we do not know a great deal about COVID-19, researchers are taking the time out of their daily lives to find a vaccine for the virus.

With the information provides, we can believe that using SUBs can intensify the illness with severe effects. As we all struggle to prevent the infection, the fact that the Government asks people to quit smoking and vaping is essential for their health.

Here at Quit Products, we know it is difficult to stop! We are here to help in this time of need to help support the quit. If you are struggling with nicotine withdrawal, looks at the quit aids available with us.

All the products are nicotine-free and can help you get through this difficult time. The crucial thing is stopping smoking or vaping to help build a healthy immune system against the COVID-19 virus.

Be safe and wash the hands regularly with hand sanitizer or soaps. Prevent touching other people who are sick and use a flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing.

Clean the house or office frequently with disinfectant, and remember to disinfect your phone

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